Welcome to the Guilds of Grot.
An on-line museum of one man’s personal
Collection devoted to the products sold by the
Guild Musical Instrument Company.

A few notes before you begin your tour:

As with any website, this will be an ever evolving endeavor. In the near future I
hope to add a “New Acquisitions” page and a “Links” page.
Please check back often for updates.

All the photography is by yours truly. It is a combination of scanned 35mm prints
and digital images. I will continue to update the photos as my digital photography
improves. Luckily for me, electrons are free!

In the “paper” section, a lot of the material dates have been estimated.
Most Guild literature only has Litho numbers. Therefore, dates are estimated by
the products in the catalogs as compared to the dated price lists.

One thing you won’t find on this website is a list of Guild serial numbers. There
are many other sites out there that have the numbers presented far better then I
would be able to.

Please click the buttons to see all of my cool Guild stuff. If you have any
questions or comments please contact me at:

This website is dedicated to my mother and father
without whom, none of this would be possible.

Thanks for visiting,
your curator,

Kurt Grotyohann